Radiology Events and Learning Meetings


Radiology Events and Learning Meetings

RCR Radiology Events and Learning Meetings "REALM"

A positive culture to develop learning is vital to improve outcomes and comply with recommendations of the Francis Report.

As radiologists are constantly striving to improve the standards of service they provide to patients with a culture of learning, self-reflection and personal development.

Humans will always make errors and radiologists are no different. They also have moments of brilliance.

What is REALM Meetings:

It is periodic meetings held for reviewing and learning from excellence, discrepancies and adverse events can provide evidence of reflective practice, improve outcomes and, if performed in a supportive learning environment, can contribute to the evidence for providers and users of the safety of a service.

Structuring the learning to help identify contributing factors can also help inform the organisation of potential trends that can be addressed to mitigate against recurrence of discrepancies, to empower excellence and to contribute to the enhancement of patient safety. 

Documentation of reflection and learning outcomes of the meeting should be anonymous to encourage submission and enhance learning.

The RCR has published the standards & guidelines of the REALM so that it helps in continuous learning & enhance patient service.

More details about REALM & its published RCR standards in below link
