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Products/ Knowledge

iCode Discrepancy

Reporting discrepancy could be a great source of radiology education, iCode Discrepancy facilitates collective learning from radiology
discrepancies leading to improved professional practice and, as a result, raising the standards of patient care and safety.

iCode Discrepancy has been developed according to Royal College
of Radiologists (RCR) guidelines and recommended standards.

iCode Discrepancy

How does it help?

iCode Discrepancy

Streamlined Discrepancy Meeting Workflow

Through iCode Discrepancy, Managing and running discrepancy meetings will be very easy and slick

iCode Discrepancy

Learn from Discrepancies

iCode Discrepancy adopts, foster and boost shared learning from discrepancies within a blame-free culture

iCode Discrepancy

Find Discrepancy Trends

iCode Discrepancy helps organizations to identify trends that may need to be addressed to minimize the occurrence of similar discrepancies

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